Get Educated
Recent studies and articles that support shared parenting and the importance of both parents in a child’s life.

Fatherhood Course 1
Kids Deserve Dads
Coming Soon!

4 Problems with the child Support System
Cordell & Cordell
Ruth Graham recently wrote a feature for the Boston Globe shining a light on unfair child support payments and why the system is so flawed.

Do Divorced Dads Get a Raw Deal?
Good Men Project
om Matlack argues that guys get unfair treatment when they divorce. What do you think? My friend Pedro taught me pretty much everything…

Hidden Dangers
Dad's Resource Center
Most people know that around half of all marriages in the country end in divorce.

The Respondent
Multimedia Series & More
Today the Divorce Courts and the parasitic lawyers populating them, have unleashed a crisis of fatherhood in America.
Support Organizations

Ensuring Shared Parenting...
National Parents Organization
22 million parents can’t see their children as a result of parental separation or divorce.

Peer Groups
Kids Deserve Dads
Stay tuned for upcoming groups!
Get Educated
Recent studies and articles that support shared parenting and the importance of both parents in a child’s life.

Fatherhood Course 1
Kids Deserve Dads
Coming soon!

4 Problems with the Child Support System
Cordell & Cordell
Ruth Graham recently wrote a feature for the Boston Globe shining a light on unfair child support payments and why the system is so flawed.

Do Divorced Dads Get a Raw Deal?
Good Men Project
om Matlack argues that guys get unfair treatment when they divorce. What do you think? My friend Pedro taught me pretty much everything…

Hidden Dangers
Dad's Resource Center
Most people know that around half of all marriages in the country end in divorce.

The Respondent
Multimedia Series & More
Today the Divorce Courts and the parasitic lawyers populating them, have unleashed a crisis of fatherhood in America.
Support Organizations

Ensuring Shared Parenting...
National Parents Organization
22 million parents can’t see their children as a result of parental separation or divorce.

Peer Groups
Kids Deserve Dads
Stay Tunetuned for upcoming groups!